HTX Swims Scholarship and Outreach

HTX Swims is committed to making the access to swimming accessible to Houstons culturally and economically diverse community. HTX Swims will be utilizing a Diversity Outreach Program and is in the process of implementing a Scholarship Program for athletes.

HTX Swims Outreach Program

HTX Swims participates in the USA Swimming Outreach Program and offers reduced USA Swimming registration fees through GULF Swimming. Eligibility is determined based on the GULF Swimming Outreach Criteria. Outreach Athletes are eligible to attend local meets at reduced cost and may also be eligible for additional swimming grants to cover focus meet travel expenses and/or other competitive swimming costs.

HTX Swims Scholarship Program

HTX Swims is in the process of forming their scholarship structure for athletes and families that meet the following criteria:

  • Financial qualifications based on household income.

  • Child is between 0 - 18 years of age.

  • Registered with HTX Swims Competitive, USA Bridge or lesson program.

HTX Swims scholarship program will subsidize a percentage of the team tuition/ lesson cost based on swimmers’ attendance within the program. More information reach out to