Where Houston Swims

  • Why

    Strive to foster a love of swimming & a passion for the water for a lifetime

  • How

    Thoughtful professionally designed and age appropriate programing focused on skill and technique.

  • What

    Offer accessible swim and water specific programing inside the loop of Houston

Competitive Swim Team

The competitive team is a full service year round swim team (September - July) for swimmers looking to improve their skills in the pool. Emphasis is put on skill development, goal setting and commitment. Swimming is geared toward all levels of swimmers.

USA Bridge Program

Our pre-competitive classes geared around the FUN-dementals of swimming. Swimmers learn the essential skills for all 4 strokes as well as dives and turns. Stroke Development is a great entry point for a new swimmer or one looking to just improve skills.

Youth Swim Lessons

Swim Lessons for 4 years of age and older. HTX Swims lesson program emphasizes the FUN-damentals of swimming in a safe environment. Our lessons use the concepts of balance, breath control and rhythm skills to get swimmers ready for their next steps in the sport. All lessons are run by our professionally trained staff.

Masters Swim

Swimming isn’t age specific. Masters swim is for the adult who is wanting to learn proper breathing and mechanics, improve fitness or finish their first triathlon.

HTX O3 Lesson

Swim training designed for the goal oriented athlete wanting to improve specific skills or techniques. Each lesson is specifically geared toward the individual with underwater video, post swim video analysis and stroke sills/training program specific to your needs.

HTX Dive Program

Dive training designed for the goal oriented athlete wanting to learn and improve dive skills or techniques. HTX Swims Dive program utilizes drylands, video and land training in addition to board skills.

Kick Start Clinic

The Kick Start Clinic is a four week session geared toward the 6 and older Summer League swimmer looking to get a kick start on their summer season. Swimmers learn essential skills for all four strokes. Each week is specific to one stroke while also working in starts to every session.

HTX Water Polo

Swimmers are athletes and athletes can be swimmers. HTX Water Polo is for the swimmer who loves the water and a competitive team enviroment.